
Sat, 31 May 2008
You Tube videos and new pictures
We now have videos on You Tube, and as previously stated on our home page, you can go to our links page to click on the videos. We hope you enjoy them, and we would like to again thank S. Reynolds for submitting them. We also have new pictures being added to our site. If you have taken a picture of our band that you would like to have on our website, you can email them to Kim at for possible submission to the website.
Posted 10:44


One more video on You Tube
A fifth video is now on You Tube. You can now see our live performance of "The House is Rockin" thanks to Ric and Mary. We hope you enjoy it!

update on Carl
I wanted to let you know that Carl is doing good. He had a rod put in his let from the knee down. Monday he had surgery on his plevis. Today he was able to seat up in the bad. He has a long recovery ahead of him. I will update you again next week. Kim missed you Saturday night.
Posted by Kelli

Thanks for the update
Thanks for the update. Hope Carl continues to improve. Missed yall. Keep us updated.

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