
Mon, 08 Mar 2010
Here we will keep everyone updated on Ronnie while he is in the hospital. Please keep him in your prayers for a speedy recovery!
Posted 16:00


Latest Update on Ronnies Condition
Rick and I just came from the hospital seeing Ronnie. The MRI results did not show a stroke although he is still having the symptoms of a stroke. They did a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) this afternoon but have not gotten the results back yet. The Drs. are going to wait until the spinal tap results are in and then do a repeat MRI. Ronnie still has the double vision and dizziness and still has tingling in his hands. He is able to speak, but to me his speech sounded slurred somewhat. He has not gotten any sleep since admission because every time he would get to sleep the nurses would come in and wake him for another procedure. He ate well today but has a diminished apetite. They had him on an IV of 1/2 normal saline which had run in and had been unhooked from his heplock when we arrived. He cant get comfortable in bed and the slightest noise startles him and he jumps up in bed. When we left his wife, Cynthia and his Mom, Betty were at his bedside. I will keep everyone notified of any changes that occur. Please keep Ronnie in your prayers.

Ronnie's Diagnosis
We finally have a diagnosis on Ronnie. He has Guillain- Barre syndrome which is a neurological disorder that attacks the muscles and mylen sheath around the nerves. It can cause full paralysis but was detected early and imunoglobulin stared IV which is the treatment. He was transfered to ICU for closer monitoring. The recovery time can take up to 6 mos. to a year but Ronnie is very healthy and strong and we expect a full recovery. Please continue to pray for him.

More news about Ronnie
Today they had to place a temporary feeding tube (NG tube). He was having trouble swallowing. Bless his heart. He has had in 2 days time some of the worst procedures to go through! Please fans he needs daily prayers! God be with our precious friend!

Finally some good news
I just talked to Cynthia and we have good news to post! They are going to give Ronnie a tube feeding this morning and if he tolerates it well they will move him back to a regular room. Also his double vision has slightly improved since yesterday. God has answered our prayers for healing and I just know that he will continue to answer them for full recovery! Thank you to everyone who has lifted him up in prayer! See More

Update on Ronnie
They started the tube feeding on Ronnie and he tolerated it well. They are planning to move him to a regular room sometime today! Cynthia said he rested well last night! Thank you Jesus for placing you healing hand on our friend!

Great News
Ronnie has been moved to a regular room now! Praise God!! Also on a comical note, Cynthia said that last night he put his eye patch on so that he could watch American Idol! Thats our Ronnie, can't miss Idol! LOL

Latest news on Ronnie: Monday they are going to r emove the NG tube and take him to surgery to i nsert a gastrostomy tube. This is due to the f act that he will have to continue the tube f eedings for a while until his swallowing d ifficulty subsides. The NG tube is just i rritating the throat. This will be a lot easier o n him. We are going to the hospital in about an h our so I will be posting any further updates. A lso Occupational Therapy is working with him to s trengthen his muscles! Please continue to lift h im up in prayer!See More 

Friday, March 12
I went to see Ronnie today. It seems so odd to see him in a hospital bed when he is always so full of energy! Ronnie was wearing goggles with the left side taped since he has been having double vision. He was on his 4th bag of immunoglobulin and has one more to go. While I was there, the physical therapists came to work with him. When one of them had him push against her hand, she was surprised by his strength (of course we all know that he is strong as an ox). They got him up and he was able to walk down the hall on a walker! Praise the Lord for that! I believe he would have kept going right on to the elevator if they would have let him! Ronnie still has a long recovery ahead and will probably go to rehab when he gets out of the hospital. They are studying him so other people in his condition may be helped in the future. Continue to keep him in your prayers...

Our Ronnie The Joker
Just got back from seeing Ronnie, Jesus thank you for your devine intervention! He is so much better today. He was talking and talking and joking with me and the nurses. He even said bring my guitar! They moved him to room 9913 while we were there and we helped them move him for yet another room (hes been in 4 differen...t rooms since admission.). I feel much more relieved since seeing him tonight! It does seem so sad to see him in a hosp. bed because We all have to run to keep up with him all the time. Like I said in another quote, he has the energy level of a 5 year old. He will be back with us before we know it!See More

Update as of March 16th 2010
The tingling in Ronnies legs is gone! He is doing great in therapy! He is also doing great with the new thickened diet! He ate all his grits and drank all his thickened OJ and milk for breakfast! Now if he can just get his blinking reflex working again! Thank you Jesus for answering all our prayers!

Prayers for Ronnie
Glad to hear that Ronnie is improving. Please tell him that Paul and I missed him on Saturday and that we will continue to pray for him. Doris
Posted by Doris Hull

Thank you, Doris, for your kind words. You don't know how much it means to all of us to have the suppport and love of all the folks at Newton. Rick and Debbie took the card to Ronnie and he greatly appreciated it. Continue to remember Ronnie in your prayers because that is what has gotten him this far.

Update on Ronnie 3/17/10
We went to see Ronnie last night. He is doing so much better. He still does not have a blinking reflex and they are keeping his eyes taped shut so they wont dry out. He is doing great with therapy. We took him some caffiene free Sundrops and Orange Crush and Tea that he requested. He was sitting up on the side of the b...ed and talking about the set lists for the band. God is so good! Thank you Jesus!

Great News
Great news! Ronnie was transfered today to Carolinas Rehab in Mt. Holly! There he will have extensive rehab to get on the road to a full recovery! And he went by car, not ambulance! I talked to him on the phone and he sounds so much better!

Wishing and praying for the best
Ronnie, I feel a deep concern for your well- being. You are in my thoughts and prayers. During early 1980's I considered myself "A FAN" of rock stars; such as, Doobie Brothers, Beach Boys, Anne Murray, Barbara Streisand, Bob Seger, James Taylor, Charlie Daniels and others. Now, though, if I had a choice between you and The Crimson Rose Band and the great musical entertainers mentioned above, well Ron,I would, for sure, choose you and those with the Crimson Rose Band. Also, I sense each of the Crimson Rose Band Members has a "heart of gold." Ron, I would like to visit you in the hospital after I return from my trip here in Mississippi. Wishing you a needful recovery. Paul Jamison

Thanks, Paul
Thank you for your kind words and prayers, and we will be sure to give Ronnie your message. We are humbled that you place us above such classic performers! Wishing you a safe trip from Mississippi and Ronnie will be looking forward to your visit.

A Bump In The Road To Recovery
Yesterday they had to restart Ronnies IV because he isnt taking in enough fluids! They also had to take him off the BP meds because every time he got up his BP would bottom out and he would get very dizzy. There has been no change in his vision or blinking reflex. He is still doing well in therapy, but will do even bet...ter when they get his BP problem straightened out. Please keep praying!See More

Yay! Fantastic News!
The doctors came in today and told Ronnie that barring any further complication, he could go home on April 1st! This is fantastic news. He beat the therapist again today in Wii bowling! He is gonna become a Wii champion!! He still cant blink and his vision is still blurry but maybe by April 1st that will be better also!

A Special Thank You From Ronnie
Just came from seeing Ronnie! He wanted me to e xtend a special thank you to everyone who has s ent him cards, come to visit him and everyone w ho has prayed for him. Several people from C harlotte Zodiac and Newton Zodiac visited him t his past week. He loves having visitors. When R ick and I left tonight, he walked us out!...... H e almost runs on that walker. He misses e verybody and is so ready to get back on stage w ith us.

Sunday, March 28
Bobby and I just got back from visiting with Ronnie in Mt. Holly. He has come a long way since my visit when he was in Charlotte. He was lying in bed at first with his eyes taped shut (since he still has the double vision) but was talking to all of us (Linda, Terry, Debbie, and Rick were also there along with Cynthia). He was very interested in what had been going on with the band in his absence. It is very obvious that he misses being with us onstage. Ronnie has received many cards, including one from Colours Band. Special thanks to Tim, Terry, and Rodney. That was very sweet of you guys! Before we left, Ronnie had one eye uncovered and walked down the hall on the walker, but unassisted this time. He still is feeling some numbness in his body, but is still planning on going home on April 1st. Keep the prayers going, because they are definitely working!

Just 2 more days!
Just 2 more days and Ronnie will be coming home! Thank you Lord, our almighty and healing God! Thank you for answering our prayers! Please continue to answer our prayers for a complete recovery and let Ronnies eyes heal completly. Amen

Ronnie is home!
Ronnie came home yesterday and is doing well! He starts his outpatient therapy next week! Hopefully it wont be too long until he is back onstage with us in some capacity. He wants me to bring him his guitar so he can try to play again.

Great News
Great news... Phil Weathers, who is Ronnie's longtime friend said that Ronnie came by the church where they always played basketball every week. He said that Ronnie walked several laps around the track by himself and even dribbled a basketball back and forth across the gym. Praise God! He is working miracles for Ronnie!!!

Best news yet
I have great news to share. We were playing at Newton zodiac tonight and looked up and low and behold was our Ronnie walking in the back door. We were all so happy we almost started crying. He stayed about 30 minuites and got tired and had to leave. But hey , at least he came. Maybe before long he will be back for good! He really surprised us good! We love you Rockin Ron and we miss you more than you'll ever know!!! You MADE our night !!!!!

Saturday, April 17
Ronnie came to Statesville Zodiac last night and played keyboard for the first 2 sets! He had to sit down the whole time, but this is remarkable considering his condition. God is working miracles for Ronnie, so the prayers are working!

"Go" "Go" Dancers
Hello Crimson Rose. This is Paul. I feel each of you are connected in a special way, a musically spiritual way. I feel sad in regard to Ronnie. Mainly I feel happy, though, to see him at recent dances. Also thank you for such a great, fun time while I enjoyed Crimson Rose at Love Valley, North Carolina. Also, I look forward to this weekend; I plan, for sure, to be in Newton Saturday; and maybe, in Monroe, North Carolina Friday. Also, has Crimson Rose ever thought about tryiing "Go Go Dancers" during a dance, just to see how it might work out. If so, I would suggest Kim, don't know her last name; she is usually at Newton Dances, she is slender, brown hair, and during songs she jumps up and down; also, I have seen Ric give her a guitar pic. And if you needed a aging, old man, I would audition as a "Go Go Dancer"(hahaha) I am no fan of anyone, no politican, no movie star, nor rock star; however, I am a fan of Crimson Rose. With admiration and respect to the best band east, and west, of the Mississippit River. Paul

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